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Файл:Generic chef.png Файл:Chef.png
Доступ: Кухня, Гидропоника (не всегда)
Дополнительный Доступ: Hydroponics, Bar
Сложность: Легко
Руководители: Глава персонала
Обязанности: Готовить еду, трясти продукты с ботаников, кормить экипаж.
Руководства: Guide to food and drinks
Цитата: Поел - убери тарелку за собой.

Вы являетесь частью экипажа, ответственной за то, чтобы держать станцию в сытости.

Вы должны готовить еду, перемалывать ингредиенты и выжимать сок, разделывать на крюках животных и свежие трупы. Ну и драться с буянами, используя ваши умения и острый нож.

Минимальная цель: Убедитесь, что на раздаче всегда есть еда на тот случай, когда персоналу потребуется поесть.


Рабочее пространство: кухня и морозильник

В начале смены шеф-повар имеет свою сервисную униформу, фартук, головной убор и шикарнейшие усы, подчеркивающие вашу квалификацию. Также вам становится доступно некоторое кухонное оборудование, и в зависимости от станции, это:

  • Plasteel Chef's Dinnerware Vendor - раздатчик посуды, соусов и прочей кухонной утвари.
  • Microwave oven. Микроволновая печь - универсальный прибор для готовки базовых компонентов еды: варки яиц и макарон, жарки мяса и рыбы, выпечки теста. Способна приготовить до 10 предметов одновременно.
  • Фритюрница - для обжаривания в масле.
  • All-In-One Grinder - многоцелевой блендер, способный как измельчать продукты, так и выжимать из них сок или взбивать.
  • CondiMaster Neo - упаковщик для жидкостей и сыпучих продуктов.
  • Food processor - кухонный комбайн для приготовления таких продуктов, как спагетти, фрикаделек и картофеля фри.
  • Мясницкие крюки - для легкого разделывания животного на части.
  • Универсальная мясорубка - когда обычных крюков мало.
  • Умные холодильники SmartFridge - для овощей и для хранения готовой пищи.
  • Стойка для выдачи готовой продукции.
  • Тележка для приготовления мороженого.
  • Тележка для переноса готовой еды.
  • Скалка.
  • Кухонный нож.
  • Точильный камень для бритвенно-острой заточки ножей и других режущих предметов.
  • Поднос для переноса большого количества готовой еды.

Ингредиенты в начале смены:

  • Донк-покеты - полная коробка.
  • Яйца - не менее 2 коробок по 12 штук.
  • Мясо - не менее 4 кусков, не считая скот.
  • Мешки муки (не менее 3 по 30 единиц).
  • Мешок риса (30 единиц).
  • Бутылка сахара (50 единиц).
  • Молоко (не менее 5 коробок по 50 единиц).
  • Соевое молоко (не менее 5 коробок по 50 единиц).
  • Овощи (опционально).
  • Соль и перец (по одной мельнице на 20 единиц).
  • Универсальный фермент для приготовления сыров и алкоголя.

Кулинария и Вы[править]


Вся хитрость готовки еды заключается в основном в использовании меню крафта (правый нижний угол игрового экрана, значок с молотком). Оно же служит своеобразной поваренной книгой, которая показывает, какие ингредиенты требуются для определенного блюда. Некоторые виды блюд позволяют вам создать свое, уникальное (пироги, торты, пицца), просто добавляя ингредиенты к блюду. Время от времени вам понадобятся комбайн, нож, скалка и микроволновая печь, чтобы приготовить базовые ингредиенты для блюд (например, смешать муку и воду, чтобы замесить тесто).

В процессе готовки вы будете настолько часто использовать микроволновую печь, что та будет загрязняться, становясь непригодной для дальнейшего использования. Держите под рукой мыло или кусок тряпки, чтобы оперативно очистить печь от загрязнений. Также обращайте внимание на то, что не все продукты можно приготовить в печи, чтобы на выходе вас не ждали угли.

Список рецептов можно найти в Guide to food. Большинство из них выполняется в меню крафта. Разместите рядом с собой (в соседних тайлах) ингредиенты, откройте окно крафта, и те рецепты, для которых вам хватает доступных ингредиентов, будут подсвечены. Нажмите на "Craft". Для подачи блюд можно использовать стойку с выходом на общий коридор и в бар, тележки для доставки обеда прямиком на капитанский мостик, холодильник SmartFridge и даже торговые автоматы.

Нож и Скалка[править]

Нож и скалка на вашем столе незаменимы в приготовлении еды. Ножом можно очень легко нарезать сыр, мясо и такие продукты, как пицца и торты (проверьте сами, что можно им разрезать, а при нежелательном результате используйте инвертированный нож E-Fink через меню крафта). Некоторых животных ножом можно разделать. Между тем, скалка используется для раскатывания некоторых ингредиентов, например, теста.

Но не думайте, что это весь их потенциал! Нож (особенно заточенный на камне) - это прекрасное колюще-режущее оружие, а скалка - хорошее дробящее. Кроме того, повара обучены искусству кухонного боя, который позволит вам отбиться от хулиганов, пытающихся устроить дебош на рабочем месте.

Файл:ChefBox.png Продуктовые коробки[править]

Помимо минимального набора ингредиентов, вы начнете с пультом для вызова коробки с менее распространенными ингредиентами. В коробке должно быть достаточно ингредиентов, чтобы вы могли приготовить пару блюд, пока ваши коллеги-ботаники проходят этап раскумара начинают выращивать для вас овощи. В карго при необходимости можно приобретать дополнительные ингредиенты за кредиты!

Коробка Содержимое
Fiesta 1 tortilla, 2 corn, 2 soybeans, 2 chili
Italian 3 tomatoes, 3 Meatballs, 1 bottle of wine
Vegetarian 2 carrots, 1 eggplant, 1 potato, 1 apple, 1 corn, 1 tomato
American 2 potatoes, 2 tomatoes, 2 corn, 1 Meatball
Fruity 2 apples, 2 oranges, 1 lemon, 1 lime, 1 watermelon
Sweets 2 cherries, 2 bananas, 1 chocolate bar, 1 cocoa pod, 1 apple
Delights 2 sweet potatoes, 2 blue cherries, 1 vanilla pod, 1 cocoa pod, 1 berry
Grains 3 oats, 1 wheat, 1 cocoa pod, 1 honeycomb, 1 poppy seed
Carnivore 1 bear meat, 1 spider meat, 1 spider eggs, 1 carp meat, 1 xeno meat, 1 corgi meat, 1 Meatball
Exotic 2 carp meat, 2 soybeans, 2 cabbage, 1 chili
Wildcard 7 randomly selected from (duplicates allowed): chili, tomato, carrot, potato, sweet potato, apple, chocolate bar, cherry, banana, cabbage, soybeans, corn, plump helmet, chanterelle


Your neighbor, hydroponics, is a necessity for you to make most recipes. Take a gander at the window early on and see if there are any botanists working, and if there aren't any inside, wait a bit for one to be sent on the arrivals shuttle or go ask the HoP for botany access so that you can grow your own plants. They will most of the time grant you access because hydroponics isn't a high-risk area. Good things to ask the botanists for to start with are wheat, tomatoes, and potatoes. These three plants are used commonly in recipes, and after you ask botany for those you can ask them for other plants when they need to be used in a recipe. Please note that hydroponics has direct access to your smart fridge, and will often times load crop into it without saying a word. Check it from time to time to see if the hippies have left you anything.

If no one is working botany and you're too lazy to stop by the HoP, the Garden has some basic produce available (most usefully, wheat) and the ability to make more seeds, assuming no one's ransacked it.

The Best Meat Pies on Station[править]

The glory days of meatspikes are sadly gone, and they can no longer be used to slaughter monkeys instantly. Nowadays, they're usually only good for holding victims animals awaiting butchering. However, even so, monkeys are still a good source of food in the gibber, and they will produce a small amount of meat for you to use. Monkeys can be produced by adding water to a monkey cube; monkey cubes can be produced with the biogenerator or ordered in a supply crate.

Some critters can be gibbed with your knife for meat, but they need to be dead first. Try not to kill Pete, as it is able to eat space vines if alive. Pete also has an udder for some ungodly reason and can produce fresh milk infinitely so killing them for meat should be a last resort.

Surgery can allow you to remove brains and appendixes from some lifeforms. You can use these organs as ingredients in a few recipes.

Your gibber is EXCESSIVELY useful during long rounds where you are feeding a lot of people. If you can't get Pun Pun or get the quartermaster to get you a monkey crate, you can head off to the morgue. That's right, the cook has morgue access to grab spent bodies and drag them to the gibber. Examining dead bodies can tell you more about them: suicides, literally brainless bodies and bodies with their souls departed cannot be revived, so gibbing them is usually okay. Your gibber can only accept unclothed bodies, so remove any clothing or other objects the body may have on them.

Deep Fried Butter[править]

Файл:Fryer off.png

If you enjoy freedom, you can cook things by putting them in the deep fryer. Even objects that aren't normally edible can be fried and then eaten. To use the deep fryer, put something in it, and it will begin soaking in the greasy goodness. The fryer will emit a sound after some time to signify that it's officially fried, but true cooks a little bit longer for that perfect deep fry.

Deep fryers use cooking oil to cook things put into it. It starts with 25 units, and uses 0.05 per tick by default. As food fries, it gains more cooking oil internally, with overfried foods having a massive amount of cooking oil in them. Deep fryers require cooking oil in order to fry food. You can't just use water or any other reagent. However, as long as there's enough cooking oil to fry with, the fried food will transfer any reagents in the fryer to itself, meaning that you can put healthy flavor-enhancers in it to saturate the food you fry in it.

You can find cooking oil yourself inside of a vat in your freezer, which has 1000 units of it by default. Cooking oil itself has a few special properties - hot oil splashed on people will deal a hefty amount of burn damage scaling with temperature (capping at 35 burn per reaction), it makes floors slippery, and it automatically fries all items it comes in contact with!

If you have an aggressive grip on someone you're pulling, you can click on the fryer to dunk their face into the hot oil, dealing huge burn damage and knocking them down. This will use half of the reagents in the fryer, though, so repeated dunkings will use them up very quickly. If you can get your hands on something hotter liquids, then your deep fryer can become hilariously deadly, but remember that it needs cooking oil to actually do the frying part.

Screaming for Ice Cream[править]

Файл:Ice Cream Cart.png

The ice cream cart makes for an effective way of taking desserts on the go. To use the ice cream vat, simply select a flavor, dispense a waffle cone. and use the empty cone on the cart. Easy peasy!

The ice cream cart comes stocked with vanilla, chocolate, strawberry and blue flavored frozen goodness. However, you can make custom flavors! If you insert a container with a liquid inside, like orange juice or coffee, any custom scoops you serve will be made using said liquid. Containers can be removed from the cart by alt-clicking on it with an empty hand.

If you run out of ice cream or cones, you can make more by clicking on the appropriate buttons inside the cart's interface. These are made using reagents inside the vat, which will need to be replenished after being depleted. Simply insert a container holding ingredients, and click the "refill from beaker" button on the interface to transfer them to the ice cream vat. Take care that you don't add more than you need, as the vat can only hold a limited volume of reagents, and the only way to make space is to purge an entire ingredient type. Waste not, want not!

Culinary Science[править]

R&D can upgrade your microwaves, doubling the amount of food they produce! On long shifts with lots of people this will prove invaluable, assuming all the scientists haven't set themselves on fire. They can also upgrade machines like your gibber (which will produce a horrifying amount of meat when fully upgraded) and your deep fryers (which will use less oil and fry things faster.)

Avoiding Death by Irony[править]

Close your door behind you when you enter the kitchen. If you leave your door open when you come in, a murderer can run in and quickly stab you with a pen, take your ID, and throw you in your own gibber before you can say "BORK BORK BORK!" If people are trying to break in regardless, close the shutters over the tables, or give the table-climbing intruder a quick shove by running into them before they can descend into your sacred workspace.


All food contains the universal ingredient called "Nutriment." It's what nourishes you and heals your injuries when you eat. Although food might not heal you as quickly as the doctor can (or from the more exotic dangers of the station), it can often heal for more over time. Blending down a bunch of donuts and burgers into a nice nutriment shake can be just the right pick-me-up after having the shit beat out of you.

Healthy foods also contain "Vitamin" which heals you better and can strengthen your metabolism against viruses and harmful chemicals as well as increase the effect of medicine on you.

You can put your healthy food inside snack vending machines so players have more food choices.

Close-Quarters Cooking Файл:CQC manual.png[править]

As of an initiative by Nanotrasen, all cooks are implanted with a skillchip teaching them close-quarters combat, or CQC for short. To protect their workplace from certain people who like to hop the tables to mess up your day and, more importantly, your precious cooking. This functions very similar to the CQC martial art that nuclear operatives can buy from their uplink - it shares the move set, as well as its bonuses, and is mechanically identical. However, your CQC only works in the kitchen, cafeteria, and cold room. As soon as you step foot outside of this area, your unarmed skills revert to normal.

CQC is pretty damn powerful. You can view the moveset in-game by using the button titled Remember The Basics in your CQC tab. If you need a refresher, you can also find the moveset on the Syndicate Items entry for the CQC manual. Of course, yours only works in the kitchen and coldroom, but the moves are the same.


  • Combining Blood and Cryoxadone will generate meat in the reaction - Chemistry can sometimes be your greatest supplier .
  • Kitchen knives and cleavers can be stored on your Apron, and knives are small enough to fit in your pockets as well.
  • You can color eggs with crayons.
  • You can make colored burgers by adding a crayon of your choice to the ingredients.
  • You can put a tray on your belt. They can carry up to 7 items of tiny or small size, making them more versatile (but bulkier) than toolbelts or fanny packs.
  • You can rename dishes and add unique descriptions by using a pen on a food item. Turn your plain spaghetti into exotic udon with a mere scribble!
  • Try asking science to upgrade your food processor. It can dramatically reduce ingredient consumption for a wide variety of dishes including sausages, spaghetti, meat buns and more!
  • Failing the Sodium Chloride Chemical by adding 35 units of Hydrogen before mixing the table salt can make free Nutriment, just make sure to get rid of the hydrogen afterwards, or you could re-use it in a different beaker to make more
  • A dead Monkey, Cryoxadone microfoam grenades and a Syringe can be used to make absolutely massive amounts of meat. Sometimes, keeping corpses lying around the workplace is a cheaper and better alternative to making food from scratch.
  • The cooking oil in your workplace can be a very potent throwing weapon in small amounts when it's heated above 3300 kelvin. Make sure to have a bunch of glasses filled with it to throw if you can't reach a Clown that keeps deep-frying the food you worked hard on or have to deal with traitorous type that keeps poisoning your food.
  • Tortillas are your greatest tool in solving station hunger, if you make one well-enough, your customer should never be able to finish it.

Tips for Traitoring[править]

  • A decent amount of food you can cook will actually cause damage. Some notable examples include:
    • Fish & Chips, Fish Fingers, and Carp Sashimi are all fairly toxic.
    • Enchiladas and Nettle Soup are both potentially deadly if consumed in full, dealing huge amounts of burn damage. However, nettle soup also contains omnizine which may heal the damage.
    • Amanita Jelly, Jelly Burgers, and even just raw Slime Jelly is incredibly lethal in mere moments, making it not a bad option for some force-feeding.
  • When you gib a human, the meat is marked with their name (Adeline Lacon-Meat), so be careful not to leave it lying around, or people might start to ask questions.
  • You can stash items in bread and a few other foods, so you can facilitate prison breaks by sending up tools, an emag, or even a small weapon to your buddies in the Prison Wing.
  • Try leaving some tasty dishes on the food prep table and hiding. When a hungry crewman inevitably jumps onto the front counter to get at it, mash them into a fine paste by repeatedly closing the shutters.
  • Apples are always eaten in one bite, no matter how much reagents are in them. try to get Botany to make you Densified chem trait apples and get you a Syringe so you can inject a war-crime-worthy Chemical death mix into the apple and force feed it to people.
  • Giving a corpse an extreme overdose full of dangerous chemicals before you put it in the Gibber will result in deadly meat generated from it.

A Meal to Kill For[править]

Traitor Cook is pretty damned fun, especially if you get some some items to knock people out like the crossbow or the sleepy pen. You can even take syringes full of nasty chemicals and inject it into food items. The best part about being a traitor cook is the cleanup; seeing a cook dragging a locker with a dead body in it is pretty par for the course, so no one will question you when you toss your target's body in the gibber. If you have a compatriot in Hydroponics, they can grow you some poisonous shrooms which you can then refine with the Blender and ChemMaster. Don't forget your knife and rolling pin! In short, go full Sweeney Todd and make delicious meat pies out of people. You can also feed fat people the mint, which gibs them.

Jobs on /tg/station


Command Captain, Head of Personnel
Security Head of Security, Security Officer, Warden, Detective
Engineering Chief Engineer, Station Engineer, Atmospheric Technician
Science Research Director, Geneticist, Scientist, Roboticist
Medical Chief Medical Officer, Medical Doctor, Paramedic, Chemist, Virologist
Service Janitor, Bartender, Cook, Botanist, Clown, Mime, Chaplain, Curator
Civilian Quartermaster, Cargo Technician, Shaft Miner, Assistant, Lawyer
Non-human AI, Cyborg, Positronic Brain, Drone, Personal AI, Construct, Imaginary Friend, Ghost
Antagonists Traitor, Malfunctioning AI, Changeling, Nuclear Operative, Blood Cultist, Revolutionary, Wizard, Blob, Abductor, Holoparasite, Xenomorph, Spider, Swarmers, Revenant, Morph, Nightmare, Space Ninja, Slaughter Demon, Pirate, Sentient Disease, Obsessed, Fugitives, Hunters, Space Dragon, Elite Mobs, Sentient Slime
Special CentCom Official, Death Squad Officer, Emergency Response Officer, Chrono Legionnaire, Highlander, Ian, Lavaland Role