Guide to Organs

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Organ damage[править]

Organ damage will cause side-effects as they reach thresholds, which will alert the owner when passed. If an organ shows up as "non-functional", that means its failing, and will not work, and will cause some life-threatening ailments depending on which organ it is. There is currently no way to see the exact damage of each organ, but for the most part they function on low-threshold, high-threshold, and failing, which will show up as "mildly damaged", "severely damaged", and "non-functional" lists when you scan someone with a medical scanner. Note that all the listed organs decay over time, which is the most common way they'll get damaged- but synthetic organs do not! The best way to avoid any of these side-effects is to replace your fleshy organs for metallic ones, though these too come with downsides in the form of EMP vulnerability.

Ways of getting damaged:[править]

  • Flashes and sharp objects in the eyes (eyes)
  • Loud noises (ears)
  • Appendicitis (appendix)
  • Overly strong stomach acid
  • High metabolic stress
  • Collapsed lung
  • Otherwise, an organ that's not in a living body (thus is on the ground or in a dead body) will decay if not held in a freezer, fridge, morgue unit, or organ smartfridge. Organs will go from perfectly healthy to broken in 25 minutes, except for hearts, which will decay completely in 5 minutes, and brains, which will decay completely in 30 minutes.


  • Damaged ears will occasionally flare up with tinnitus, causing very brief deafness, with increasingly frequent bouts until the ears are non-functional, at which point you become deaf.
  • Damaged eyes will grow increasingly short-sighted, until finally becoming blind when non-functional.
  • Damaged lungs will increase the rate at which you breath by 25%, and will collapse if non-functional, causing rapid suffocation. Life-threatening!
  • A non-functional appendix will burst, causing toxin damage until the organ is removed. Life-threatening!
  • A damaged heart will increase the rate at which you breath by 25%, and will cease when non-functional, causing immediate heart attack. Life-threatening!
  • A damaged stomach will be unable to hold nutriment and food down as easily, causing vomiting depending on the amount of food consumed and the damage of the stomach. A non-functional stomach does not digest any food.
  • A collapsed lung will stress the heart and reduce functional breathing.
  • A stressed liver will cause (dependant on the stress level) liver damage, then tox, then heart damage, then stamina loss, finally resulting in swelling of the liver.
  • A stomach with high pH within it will cause stomach damage, then lung damage, then burning on the chest, and then heart and tongue damage at extreme values.

How to detect the condition of an Organ:[править]

  • A hand scanner will tell you what organs are Chronic or worse as well as lobe + swelling status.
  • An advance scanner will tell you what organs are Acute or worse.
  • Both scanners can detect Brain traumas.
  • A sleeper can detect metabolic stress.
  • The Magnetic Resonance Scanner (MRS) will scan all organs, and give you real time information on all of them, including metabolic stress, lung lobe collapse detection, brain traumas and pH.

Organ effects[править]

Each organ has 100 max hp, except the brain which has 200, and the lungs which has 300. Injecting Cryosenium into a corpse will pause all decay while it remains in their system. 5u lasts around 3 minutes, and a syringe can be found in the organ fridge, with chemistry able to make more.

Organ Decay time Healthy function Damaged effects End stage Failure effects Heart 5 minutes Vital for life. Expends oxygen faster by increasing breathing rate. Heart attack. The patient will fall unconscious and rapidly take suffocation and brute damage until death. inability to defib patient.
Liver 25 minutes Filters out toxins below 3u. Toxin damage. Rapid toxin damage and chemicals are no longer processed.
Lungs 25 minutes Lets the patient breathe, and passivel restore suffocation damage. Expends oxygen faster by increasing breathing rate. Prevents breathing, leading to rapid death from suffocation.
Appendix 25 minutes Supports immune system Nothing. It bursts, causing toxin damage until the organ is removed.
Stomach 25 minutes Handles digestion Causing vomiting depending on the amount of food consumed and the damage of the stomach. Can't digest any food.
Eyes 25 minutes Lets the patient see. Worsening eyesight until fully blind. Blindness.
Файл:E/ec/Ears.png Ears 25 minutes Lets the patient hear. Worsening occasional tinnitus, causing very brief deafness. Deafness.
Brain 30 minutes Lets the patient function. See Brain damage. Death.

Types of damage[править]

An organ can suffer either Acute, Chronic or End Stage Failure which will limit what treatments are available to it and the potency of the effects applied. A normal health scanner can only detect chronic to end stage, while an advanced can see acute too.

Treatment Options[править]

Depending on the severity, different treatment options are available for each organ. One of the most versatile options is Grafting Synthtissue to an organ. Synthtissue can be grafted to any organ to repair some of the damage, using 10u of the solution each step. This step can be repeated with 10u each time to continue treating the patient. It's important to note, however, that the patient will slowly metabolise synthtissue if you take too long. The strength of the treatment is equal to the colony size.

Universal Treatment Options[править]

Synthtissue colony size and effects.[править]

Synthtissue's effects depend on how long the colony has been growing, thus it's recomended to grow some as early as possible.

Name Grown amount Effects
Induced Synthtissue Colony 0 Used in Graft synthtissue surgery to fix Acute and Chronically damaged organs. When applied by touch on a living person, it will treat Brute and burn damage instantly based on colony growth size and volume. If used on the dead, it will rapidly treat non organ damage to prepare for defib. If a patient is treated while dead, the urgency of the touch application will cause toxin and clone damage from the imperfect cell merging process and follow up treatment should be given to the patient. Under no circumstances should dead touch applied synthtissue be purged, and this will dramatically damage the patient when removed.
Oligopotent Synthtissue Colony >50u Able to be injected into the heart by targeting the chest to emergency repair an end stage failed heart to prep for defib.
Pluripotent Synthtissue Colony >80u Able to be used with End Stage Failing organs to repair them.
SuperSomatic Synthtissue Colony >135u Fixes any dead tissue found in the patient when added to a corpse, and restarts any failing organs, bringing them back to life. If they are revived this way, the synthtissue can only keep them alive for so long, effectively giving them a "borrowed health". Follow up treatment is heavily recommended to combat the resulting toxin and clone damage. If the patient is given a purge, they will take severe damage, and thus purging agents should be avoided until synthtissue is through their system.
Omnipotent Synthtissue Colony >175u Regenerates a single missing organ or repairs a single failing organ per 15u injection.

One way to create a large amount is to create a big batch of the reactants, set the pH and temperature, then pour it in multiple beakers so they all grow simultaneously.

Revival surgery[править]

A researchable surgery which allows you to bring any corpse back to life. Performing this surgery will work regardless of the time of death and will restore any end stage organs to chronic levels.

Emergency Cardioversion Induction[править]

An emergency surgery useful for reviving a person within the defib limit, but with a end stage brain or heart. Will bring any corpses back to life with chronic heart and brain failure. Also useful for emergency revivals in situations with no defib available, just use a power cell or an inducer.


Transplanting in a new organ is potentially the easiest and fastest way to restore organ functionality. Just make sure the patient is not suffering from a bacterial infection, as this will transfer across(NOT IMPLEMENTED YET).

Organ specific treatments[править]

Brain [править]

As the brain becomes damaged, it has a chance of gaining random brain traumas and other problems. If a brain reaches 0% health, the person dies. To be able to see exact brain health, you need an advanced health analyzer, which CMO gets one of by default. Getting killed and cloned does not cure brain traumas.

Ways of getting damaged:[править]

  • Imperfect cloning.
  • Certain chemicals such as mercury, impedrezene, or fentanyl
  • Abusing certain drugs.
  • Chaplain's bible applied to the head.
  • Unholy Water
  • Brainrot
  • Earthsblood from Ambrosia Gaia.



  • Brain Surgery, will fix brain damage also cure ## severe## traumas. You can identify severe brain traumas by the prefix "severe" on health analyzer. Nanites can cure these and lower level traumas.
  • Lobotomy will cure ## deep-rooted brain traumas## . You can identify deep-rooted brain traumas by the prefix "deep-rooted" on health analyzer. Some viruses can cure these and lower level traumas.


  • Mannitol will slowly treat acute level damage.
  • Neuro-Smash will also treat acute brain damage slowly.


  • Pure Mannitol will slowly treat chronic and acute level damage.
  • Neurine will treat chronic and acute level damage, and cure basic brain traumas. These traumas have no prefix on health analyzer.

    End stage:[править]

  • Injecting pure Neurine into a corpse, or splashing a disembodied brain with neurine will restore a brain back to chronic levels of damage for a short time.

Permanent :[править]

Brain traumas that are either permanent or curable with magic, which is typically unavailable. Failing a lobotomy can cause these traumas. You can identify permanent brain traumas by the prefix "permanent" on health analyzer. If you get one of these, then assume "this is life now".

Heart [править]

The heart is usually damaged due to secondary effects of other organs under duress.

Ways of getting damaged:[править]

  • High metabolic stress
  • Extreme Acid reflux/bile reflux
  • Collapsed lung



  • Corazone will slowly treat acute level damage and prevent sudden onset cardiac arrest.


  • Pure Corazone (>0.9) will very slowly treat Chronic heart damage

    End stage:[править]

  • Coronary bypass
  • Emergency Cardioversion Induction
  • A coronary bypass can be performed on a heart that's decayed past 60 damage, and restores functionality. Good for getting a heart that's too damaged to defib to work again.

Liver Liver[править]

Healthy livers prevent toxic reagents effects when their metabolic stress is below 15. A stressed liver will cause (dependant on the stress level) liver damage, then tox, then heart damage, then stamina loss, finally resulting in swelling of the liver. Swelling will increase the blood requirements of the patient and slow them down. The only means of treatment at the moment for a swollen liver is transplantation.

Ways of getting damaged:[править]

  • Too much alcohol
  • Toxin ingestion
  • Metabolic stress


    Acute & Chronic:[править]

  • Livers will only heal when their metabolic stress is reduced past 0.
  • Soothehol will slowly treat metabolic stress based on it's purity (Byproduct of Antihol, it's purity is equal to Antihol's impurity, up until 0.3.). Soothhol at purities >0.66 can push a liver's metabolic stress into chronic healing levels.
  • Dialysis on sleepers will reduce a liver's metabolic stress into acute treatment levels when tier 2, or chronic treatment levels when tier 4. Dialysis has to be left on for a period of time to reach chronic treatment levels.
  • Livers will naturally heal Acute damage when stress is < 0% and Chronic when < -10%
  • Hepatectomy

    End stage:[править]

  • Hepatectomy

A note on Slime livers (Filturatums):[править]

Slime's livers work differently than human livers. They get stressed by medicines and impurities, but lose stress from toxins. As such, a person with a slime liver doesn't filter toxins when unstressed. In a Fulturatum, stress equates to toxin saturation. As it's stress turns negative, the toxin saturation of their Filturatum increases, providing healing and antitoxic effects. However, at very high concentrations of toxin (< -55%), it starts to damage the brain, causes jittering, dizziness and medicines don't process. When a slime is oversaturated with toxins, the best method to reverse it is to calomel any toxins out, then put as many medicines in the patient as possible. Even though the medicine won't do anything until under the stress threshold due to the toxin concetration sterically hinering their effects, their stress will naturatlly rise from any medicines in their body. Failed Filturatums also have the unique ability to be restarted by flooding them with toxins, pushing their stress down to < -95%. Filturatums also work in other species, though, toxins will likely be damaging to them.

In a nutshell:[править]

  • More control over metabolic stress
  • Able to treat chronic/acute failure easier
  • Able to treat end stage without surgery
  • Wider healthy stress window (-55% to 15%)
  • All metabolic stress effects are inverted, toxins, alcohols and multiver reduces it, dialysis, medicines and impurities increase it.
  • Less total health
  • No toxin purging
  • When metabolic stress is below -55%(too toxic) medicines don't process and causes minor brain damage
  • When below -95%, rejuvenates a failing liver
  • Slower mitigation (0.05-0.15 instead of 0.05 to 0.25)

Filturatum specific damage methods:[править]

  • Too much medicine without toxin to balance
  • Impurity consumption
  • Metabolic stress
  • Dialysis

    Filturatum specific treatment methods[править]

    Acute & Chronic:[править]

  • Livers will only heal when their metabolic stress is reduced past 0.
  • Reducing stress to < 0% will treat Acute, < -25% will treat Chronic. This can be done by consuming toxins.
  • Hepatectomy

    End stage:[править]

  • Hepatectomy
  • Reducing stress to below -95% will rejuvinate a failed Filturatum

As always, grafting synthtissue remains a universal cure in this case.

Lungs [править]

Lungs are unusual in that they have more health than most organs, and will take longer to treat. When a lung fails for the first time, one of the lobes collaspes first, before the other. If both lobes deflate it will enter end stage failure. A collapsed lung will stress the heart and reduce functional breathing. Lobectomies additionally can only be performed once, and will cause very minor negative effects on affected lungs..

Ways of getting damaged:[править]

Appendix [править]

Ways of getting damaged:[править]

Stomach [править]

The stomach repairs itself quicker than other organs when within healthy pH and thus treatments are usually secondary rather than primary. A stomach with high pH within it will cause stomach damage, then lung damage, then burning on the chest, and then heart and tongue damage at extreme values. If a patients system is purged from non dialysis methods, it will also purge stomach acid from the patient. A health patient usually has 50u of acid, and will regenerate it slowly. If acid is regenerated, their pH will shoot up. If they have no acid to purge, they will take direct stomach damage.

Ways of getting damaged:[править]

  • Very acidic/basic stomach acid pH


  • Neutralise internal pH and let natural regeneration fix it.
  • Antacids will neutralise acidic stomach conditions quickly and sooth acute damage.
  • Antbases will neutralise basic stomach conditions quickly and sooth acute damage.

    End stage:[править]

  • There is no specific treatment for stomachs, rely on transplantation or grafting SuperSomatic Synthtissue.

Eyes Eyes[править]

Ways of getting damaged:[править]

  • Bright flashes
  • Using the welder without protection


    Acute + Chronic:[править]

  • Oculine will slowly treat eye damage and treat some other sources of blindness
  • Eye surgery

    End stage:[править]

  • Pure Oculine will instantly restore non-functional eyes.
  • Oculine will slowly restore non-functional eyes.
  • Eye surgery

Ears [править]

Ways of getting damaged:[править]

  • Inacusiate will slowly restore all ear function.

  • Tongue [править]

    Ways of getting damaged:[править]